Health Services Main
Chestnut Ridge School District strives to provide individualized and quality health care to each student in order to maximize his or her learning potential. Chestnut Ridge employs two certified school nurses and one L.P.N., providing a licensed nurse in each building. Please feel free to contact the nurse in your child's building if you have questions or concerns.
We look forward to working with you to keep your child healthy!
We look forward to working with you to keep your child healthy!
Health Services Staff
Elizabeth Harris | High School | 839-4195 ext 3338 | [email protected] |
Autumn Musselman | Middle School | 839-4195 ext 2508 | [email protected] |
Melanie Karns | Central Elementary | 839-4195 ext 4446 | [email protected] |
Please click here to view Immunization requirements for the current school year
Nursing Services
The nurse is on duty during the regular school day. Unless there is an emergency, the student must be excused by the teacher to go to the nurse's office. The nurse will decide if it is necessary for a student to be excused from school. If so, she will make the necessary arrangements to go home. Parents will be contacted to pick up students who have:
- Vomited
- Symptoms of a contagious condition
- Head lice
- Fever of 100 degrees or higher
- Been to health room previously that day and have no improvement in symptoms
Parents will be notified if the student has a potentially serious injury such as:
- Head injury
- Eye injury
- Possible fracture
- Possible need of stitches
The nurse will provide emergency first aid only. She will not diagnose or administer prescription medication unless prescribed by a physician. For minor complaints of headaches, stomach ache, nausea, and general malaise:
- Condition will be assessed
- Temperature checked
- Trial rest period (if appropriate)
- Tylenol administered as needed (with signed permission on emergency card)
When it becomes necessary for a prescription medication to be given during school hours, the student must obtain an authorization form from the nurse or office personnel. It is to be signed by the parent and physician and must accompany the medication to the health room where it will be kept until it is time for it to be administered. Medications will be administered only if:
- Medication consent form is properly signed
- Medicine is medically indicated
- Medicine is in the original container and clearly marked